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Monday, May 21, 2012

Field day

Hello everyone!

I am going to tell you about a certain day that we have during the school year in America called Field day. Field day is basically having a whole day dedicated to outdoor activities such as: Soccer, Baseball, T-Ball, Relay races, Speed contests, and much, much more! To Americans, Field day is a day for exercise. It helps all of the kids in the school be motivated to exercise.

 I really like field day myself, But Unfortunately, IT RAINED THE WHOLE DAY TODAY!!! ARGHHHH!! And you know what my teachers who were organizing field day did? They postponed the whole field day to Friday, Which is going to be another rainy day. They said: "If it is going to rain on Friday, we will have to forget about field day." I was angry when I heard these words. So much for having a fun field day!

Anyway, Thanks for reading, and know you know all about field day!


1 comment:

ng siew wah said...

I hope it will wont rain on friday.
Kong kong