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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The A380 on the ground

Hi guys,

Im going to post some photos of  planes. My favorite of them all is the Boeing 777. I also like the Boeing 747 and the Airbus A380 not forgetting to mention that I like the Boeing 787 and the Airbus A340, too!

 {I have never flown on an A380 before :)}

I love planes!

A380 Turning. My question: How the heck did they take this photo? o_O?

The mammoth Airbus A380!

Airbus A341
Airbus A320
A Singapore Airlines Airbus A340-600

Airbus A321
 The extremely cool-looking Airbus A340

Airbus A310
Airbus A330
This is a Boeing 777. Cool!!!!
Boeing 737

Boeing 747!!!

Boeing 787. The latest plane created. (They claim that once you fly on the plane, you have no jetlag when you get off)

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