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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Flute

Hi guys,

                                                     ☺ ☺☺☺☺☺☺

Today I'm going to blog about my Flute. [SORRY BUT THESE PHOTOS ARE FROM GOOGLE, ALL OF THEM! SORRY I CAN'T TAKE PHOTOS OF MY OWN :( ] I actually have been taking lessons at my school since (I think) March.  Strangely enough, the Flute uses up the equivalent amount of air used to make a sound on the Baritone. The flute is a very interesting instrumental music instrument. In order to make a noise on the flute, you have to blow across a mouthpiece attached to the rest of the flute. The flute consists of three different parts:

1-The mouthpiece

2-The Flute body

3-The end part of the flute body (A place to put your small finger to play different notes. e.g: E flat, B flat, C sharp etc....)
Here are some photos:
This is a piccolo. A piccolo is basically a super high-pitched version of the original Flute

This is what a flute that has been kept looks like.

The complete Flute when assembled.

A complete diagram of the flute

The flute body joint (The place where you play most of the notes)

This is the foot joints that students get when learning the Flute.

This is the flute foot joint for people who have mastered the Flute and can play it well.

Flute mouthpiece joint

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