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Friday, July 30, 2010


I know I have not been updating my blog but at least I will tell you what I was doing, which was travelling to different countries. The countries in which I travelled to were Australlia, and Malaysia. Right now I am in Malayasia. I am having lots of fun and loving the food I am eating like Siew Yok, Chicken rice, Mee Soto, and Nasi Lemak. Now, Here are the beverages I like. I like Bandung,Milo,Soy bean milk, Ribena,Vitagen,And Yakulht. Malaysia is very hot and always is summer. In america, it changes seasons. It dosen't only stay one season throughout the year, like how malaysia does because it is located in the northen hemisphere.


elmatto said...

Looks yummy it makes me sooo hungry

James' Trails said...

Yeah. It also tastes good.