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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kung fu Panda

I went to the movie Kung fu Panda. It was very funny. Me and Cameron ;pved the movie Kung fu Panda and me and cameron had an Fand N groovy grape Juice and popcorn to go with it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I went to Malaysia and we wemt to see Kong Kong and Poh Poh. It was Aunty Janice's birthday when we went there. Aunty Janice had a cake which looked like a beehive.
Mum took us on a ride on the KTM Komuter train. Dad did not come to Malaysia because he had to go to work. When we went home, we went on a diesel train ride which took 7 hours. We had a very long train ride when we went on the diesel.
Kong Kong brought me and Cameron to the bouncy castle. He brought us to a playground near the Putra train. The playground was very long. It was about as long as from our bedroom to the living room!

The Digestive System

The Digestive System is when our food get's digested. Everybody's food get's digested the same BUT when you eat candy it ends up coming out your other end.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Student Led Conference

US (me from Australia)
Erin (from America)
My two best friends, Jacob above (from Korea) and Dion (from Malaysia) below

Jack (from USA) is going back to Pennsylvania (my mum spelt that for me)

I went to school and I had Student Led Conference. I had to show my Mum and Dad my school work that I did at school all year. I went to school at 12:30pm because it wasn't a normal school day and we all went to school at different times. We went to all the PE gyms. I showed my Dad and Mum me playing hockey at Gym A. We went to three more gyms. B, C and D. I went to the Art extibtion but I could not find my art picture. In the music room I played one song on the xylophone, "I wanna CCC" song. We went to the Science Lab when Mrs Lidell was showing interesting science. I had an excellent time at Student Led Conference!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I did a song of ABBA. I did 3 songs from ABBA.
1. Waterloo
2. Thats Me(I am playing on the piano and cam is playing a toy Rock guitar
3. Does your mother know.

Here is my YouTube Video of Thats Me.

please give me 5 stars.