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Friday, December 5, 2008

The Broken Car

On Thursday afternoon, I went to the zoo and ate lunch at KFC. I got two HOT WHEEL cars. On Friday. the trouble began, the bumper of my Hot Wheel car got stuck! (It was made in China) My dad tried to dig out the bumper with a screwdriver but it did not work. So I could not play with my Hot Wheel car ever again. (This was true)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Train Painting

This is my painting of a train. It is on a canvas. Do you like the painting? It only took me one day to finish the painting. It was pretty long ago when I painted this picture.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My lego halloween costume

My mum made this lego costume for me. It is for halloween.
The costume is done.(go to Google and click images and type: lego halloween costumes.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Watch

I got a watch on my birthday. It was from Aunty Sarmi. The brand is Anike. It has a stop watch. It has a light and it is water ressistant. Beautiful huh?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Modern Toilet

I was looking at Auntie Jo an's email and I saw this very private restauraunt called....MODERN TOILET. The resturaunt is in taiwan. THE RESTURAUNT IS VERY DISGUSTING BELIVE ME. The pepole serve food to you in toilets or bathtubs. (see image above.) The ice-cream looks like poo. (Especially choclate flavour.) Is that a disgusting resturaunt? DON'T EAT THERE AT ALL!!! (I'm Kidding)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Grade 1

I am in grade 1. I think grade 1 is exellent because I get to go to the roof top playground and eat morning snack at the playground. When we go to the library we get to borrow Star Wars. I Think grade 1 is REALLY AWESOME!!! My teacher's name is Mellisa Clark and my teacher aid's name is Ms Aida.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I went on youtube and saw this video clip of a girl teaching a dolphin how to do tricks. When the girl showed a circle sign with her fingers the dolphon went underwater and did a circle flip. When she blew a whistle, the dolphon stopped doing a circle flip. Dolphins are very smart.

This is The Website For the video

Monday, July 21, 2008


My mum tought me how to sew. It was easy. I sewed a star photo frame with yellow thread and Cameron sewed a heart photo frame with pink theard. When I finished sewing I put a photo of myself in side my star photo frame!

Monday, July 14, 2008


We flew on Airasia to Penang and we stayed in a hotel. The first hotel name was called: Holiday Inn. There was 2 swimming pools and a beach at Holiday Inn. Then, we went to a new hotel which was called The Gurney Resort. I went to visit these girls named Hannah and Farah. I stayed with them a little while in the hotel and then went to Adventure Zone. After Adventure Zone, I went with Hannah to Chilis.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jurong Pool

I went to Jurong Swimming pool and I went down the pink and blud slides. When I visited, I was about 5 years old. The pink and blue slides were special because you need a rubber tube to go down the pink slide and also the blue slide only. Both of these slides made you extremely dizzy. I mean, Just look at all of the countless spirals on each slide! Not only that, we also had to take a rubber tube (Which weighs about 1-5 kilos) all the way up 5 flights of stairs just to get to the blue slide. It was very tiring! There was also a yellow slide at the pool. The person who was going down the slide was not supposed to have a tube while going down. All you needed was just yourself, And goggles. I did not go down the yellow slide because I was afraid of the fact that it sent the rider rocketing down so fast that I didn't want to get hurt. (At least, That was what I thought. I still didn't go on it, though).

I enjoyed going to the Jurong pool!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Changi Airport

I went to Changi Airport with Cameron and Mum. We sat on the Skytrain to Terminal 3. Terminal 3 was brand new so we went to explore Terminal 3. we had a great day when we went to Changi Airport.

A playdate with Kynan

On Friday Kynan came to my house and played my gocart and we played Sorry! when we came upstairs. I had a great day with with Kynan.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kung fu Panda

I went to the movie Kung fu Panda. It was very funny. Me and Cameron ;pved the movie Kung fu Panda and me and cameron had an Fand N groovy grape Juice and popcorn to go with it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I went to Malaysia and we wemt to see Kong Kong and Poh Poh. It was Aunty Janice's birthday when we went there. Aunty Janice had a cake which looked like a beehive.
Mum took us on a ride on the KTM Komuter train. Dad did not come to Malaysia because he had to go to work. When we went home, we went on a diesel train ride which took 7 hours. We had a very long train ride when we went on the diesel.
Kong Kong brought me and Cameron to the bouncy castle. He brought us to a playground near the Putra train. The playground was very long. It was about as long as from our bedroom to the living room!

The Digestive System

The Digestive System is when our food get's digested. Everybody's food get's digested the same BUT when you eat candy it ends up coming out your other end.

Sunday, June 8, 2008